Sunday, September 2, 2007

Mexican Cross Border Raid on U.S. Social Security Benefits

Talking Points by Secure America Alliance:

1. Mexican President acts today same as bandit Pancho Villa in 1916
Mexican President Filipe Calderone's attempt to get the U.S. to make social security payments for Mexican illegal immigrants after as little as 18 months is the equivilant of a modern day cross border raid patterned after Mexican bandit Pancho Villa in 1916. In both cases, someone came over the border from Mexico illegally, robbed Americans, and then returned to Mexico and "safe haven".

2. U.S.-Mexico Agreement already signed giving SS Benefits to illegals
A "Totalization Agreement" was signed by the U.S. Commissioner of Social Security and the Director General of the Mexican Social Security Institute on June 29, 2004. It commits the U.S. to making payments to illegal Mexican workers after they have returned to Mexico upon their supposed "retirement".

3. Congress can still DISAPPROVE this taxpayer giveaway to illegals
In order for the Totalization agreement to become law, under section 233(e)(2) of the Social Security Act, the proposal does NOT have to be approved by the Congress; however either chamber may vote to DISAPPROVE such proposal within 60 days of its submission by the President. The President has not at this date submitted the proposal already signed between the two countries.

4. This "Cross Border Raid" will bankrupt U.S. Social Security
With as many as 20 million illegal Mexican workers in the United States, and upwards of 100 million more expected in the next 10 years, the proposed "Totalization" agreement to pay social security benefits to illegal Mexican workers will cost billions of dollars and easily bankrupt the Social Security Fund. If the Totalization Agreement is allowed to become law, there is a certainty that social security benefits to American workers will be stopped at some point in the future, or severely reduced, because of a lack of funding to pay all beneficiaries.

5. Cross Border Raid will make Mexican President very popular
The villainous Pancho Villa was and remains a popular figure in Mexico, because he “stood up to the Colossus of the North.” The current President of Mexico, Filipe Calderone, will no doubt also increase his popularity if his modern day cross border raid – this "totalization" agreement -- becomes law.

6. Where are U.S. Leaders to stop those helping destroy Social Security?
Some of America's most famous leaders got their start in the U.S.-Mexico war that resulted from the national mobilization to stop the evil Pancho Villa, such as Generals Jack Pershing (the leader of our World War 1 army in Europe), George Patton, Omar Badley. Such leaders are needed today to stop the modern day cross border raid.

7. Illegals will be vested in 18 months, not 10 years like US workers
Mexicans must work over 30 years to get vested in the Mexican Social Security System but as little as 18 months in the U.S. and then they can return home with a lifetime of Social Security Benefits paid for by U.S. taxpayers. Americans work 10 years or more for any benefits.

8. Pancho Villa was a thug. Mexican President acting like a thug also
Rather than a hero, Mexican bandit Pancho Villa murdered his first man at age 16, and was a thief, murderer and thug who stole from and killed Americans before running back over the Mexican border to enjoy his loot.

9. The Raid can succeed without any vote by Congress
Once the "Totalization" agreement is submitted to Congress, an affirmative vote will not be required to make it become law; its supporters (who control both chambers of Congress) simply have to bottle it up in committee without hearings or a vote, and both Senate and House would then never even vote or debate the proposal before it became law "without objection".

10. Arguments by U.S. supporters of Mexican Border Raid
Thus far the chief arguments of the proponents of giveaways such as this are the following: (a) these illegals are hardworking, (b) they have children, (c) we must be compassionate, (d) anyone who opposes their social welfare spending scheme is anti-immigrant, insensitive, racist, a member of the radical right, or some or all of these, and (e) we cannot enforce the law because the law is unrealistic anyway, so we should just ignore the law about immigration, and reward those here illegally with these new social security benefits.